
Did you know? of the month

Did you know that brand recognition begins as early as 2 years old? That means even as children learn their alphabet, they're also processing the branded logo that goes with each letter:   How many do you recognize? Why did certain ones jump out at you, even if you...

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The late Pete McGinn builds a bridge

A long-time client of Riger’s and a friend to many in the community, Pete McGinn, former CEO at United Health Services, passed away recently after a battle with amyloidosis. Pete’s family and friends marveled at the way he remained upbeat and philosophical throughout...

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Which Olympic logo do you like?

  The International Olympic Committee needs to choose between Chicago, Madrid, Rio de Janeiro, and Tokyo for the 2016 Olympics. Sure, there's plenty of factors to help them decide, but all we really care about is the logos anyway. Which one do you like the best?...

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Did You Know? of the month

Did you know that it takes the average person 3 exposures to an advertising message before he/she processes its information? That means that by the time you are beyond bored by your own business' message, it is just then that your customers are BEGINNING to notice...

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