
Forbes Lists Greatest Jingles of All Time

Jul 15, 2010 | Industry discussions

You know how you can get catchy songs and sayings stuck in your head for days on end? Well, Forbes Magazine has come up with a list of ten jingles that have done just that for millions of people over the years.

Slogans are an attempt at capturing the essence of a company in a short line or phrase and these slogans have taken on a life of their own. How many of these do you know and remember?

10. “I’d like to buy the world a Coke” (Coca Cola):

9. “Oh, I wish I were an Oscar Mayer Wiener” (Oscar Mayer):

8. “Two all beef patties” (McDonalds)

Watch for ‘Still More Greatest Jingles’ from Forbes, coming soon to RigerJabber… And in the mean time, test your slogan saavy here!:


Courtney Starzer, Riger Intern, Cornell University